Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Moving House and Stressed? You are not alone!!

The time has come for you to move to a new house.  You been running around doing some packing, boxes are everywhere, and that little unsettling feeling is starting to kick in. Stress is a normal reaction to the moving process and you are not alone.
Stress is a body reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response. The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and emotional responses. Physical symptoms including headaches, upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, and problems sleeping are common symptoms of a body under pressure.

Keep in mind that moving houses is not only about the physical aspect of transporting things from one place to the other, but it is also about adjusting your emotions to this new life and new routine.

You will find yourself in a new house and new neighbourhood,  you will need to discover the best route to go to work or school, location of shops and leisure spots around the area, just to name a few changes.
Don’t feel bad if you are running out of time with your relocation, or if you think you are not going to make it in time. You are not the first, and won't be the last person feeling all over the place closer to moving to a new house.

One thing is for sure: time is critical and it will affect the level of stress and outcome of your moving. Don’t panic! We sympathize with you and we are here to help you from the time you make the decision to move out until we finish your moving. 

It is always a pleasure to participate in this journey not only physically carrying your belongings safely to your new home, but also emotionally based on our experience and knowledge.

Move safely and move smart!
The Leader Transport Team

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